13th virginia regiment revolutionary war

13th REGIMENT MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS 1 national color 2 state colors 14th REGIMENT MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS (see First Heavy Artillery) Through its grants program, the NHPRC supports a wide range of activities to The 13th Virginia Infantry Regiment was an infantry regiment raised in central and western Virginia for service in the Confederate States Army during the American Civil War. Interrogatory 1. His father was the quintessential frontiersman from French Indian War era, and its likely that Michael wasnt much different. 13th Infantry Capt. That he was at the Building of Fort McIntosh, on Ohio below Big Beaver Creek (this is the Beaver River at present Beaver PA, constructed in the Fall of 1778) and was discharged at that place by Col. Brodhead . Left Valley Forge in May 1778 for Fort Pitt. The Indians broke in upon our encampment, and killed six of us and wound one, the remaining part retreated to the Station. In May of 1778, Washington appointed Brigadier General Lachlan McIntosh, of Georgia, to succeed Gen. Hand in running the entire Western Department primarily Fort Pitt. Summary [ edit] The 13th Virginia Regiment was authorized on 16 September 1776 by the Continental Congress for service with the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. he was a regular officer if the united states Army. I was living on Wolf Creek when I was called into service and remained there until about the year 1790 when I moved to where I now live. Colonel Richard Campbell Major Richard Taylor Major Richard Campbell [I]n the year 1781 I was drafted & marched from Greenbrier County under Capt John Henderson. Virginia had sent George Rogers Clark on his expedition west, and now he was poised to take Detroit. It fought mostly with the Army of Northern Virginia.[1]. Authorized by the Second Continental Congress on 16 September 1776, it was organized on 3 February 1777 and consisted of four companies from the Virginia counties of Loudoun, Frederick, Prince William, and Amelia; Captain Daniel Morgan's . Thus, it was probably 1778. description ends , 1:14344, 2:304, 310, 3:286). Private James Amberson, previously of Capt. That he had for his companions, his two Brothers Joseph and John Swope who were both older than himself, who are both dead and James Givin (Gwinn probably) who has also been dead for a number of years; that their manner of spying was for two to go together and to meet at some point designated. Left Valley Forge with 400 men assigned and 218 fit for duty. That was 1778, so he confused his dates. 13th Virginia: Brig. Below is Georges own application narrative, which is pretty interesting. On the other hand, they were fearful of being attacked on our frontiers by the British and Indians out of Detroit. Drafted in February, 1780, under Capt. Koquetakeghton was killed while serving as a guide for an American expedition against the British post at Fort Sandusky in November of the same year. He was drafted as a private in said company but if there were any stated time for the termination of his service he does not now recollect. The competing officers would engage in a power struggle in a letter writing campaign against one another to Gen. Washington. While it is impossible to track every unit that fought in the Revolutionary War due to all the militia this is a good starting point for understanding where your ancestor may have fought and what they endured during the war. I believe the said expedition was ordered out by the Governor [Lord Dunmore] of Virginia and I also believe it had his sanction. He served more than six months or perhaps seven. That again in the Spring of the year 1777 he entered the service as an Indian Spy on the 15thday of April and was discharged as before on the first day of November following having that summer performed a tour of six months and a half; he again went into service as an Indian Spy on the 15thday of April 1778 and continued in said service until the first of November following having again performed a tour of six months and a half and that he again commenced his expedition as an Indian Spy on the first day of May 1779 and continued in service until the first day of November 1779 having performed a tour of six months that summer, making in all Two years and one months services which he performed as an Indian Spy. old the 2ndday of November next in the year 1773 I settled with my Father on Muddy creek Greenbrier county and have lived there ever since. Washington, D.C., 190437. public. Additional regiments were raised, and then many were transferred to the emerging "national" Continental army - where they served outside of the new . George McCormicks DAR record says that he served in the Virginia 13th Regiment under Colonels Crawford and Russell. that during the whole of the aforesaid time he was either actively engaged in scouting or in Garrison with an Imbodied Corps under the command of the aforesaid Officers and that he was not engaged in any civil pursuits during the aforesaid periods. "History of Bourbon, Scott, Harrison & Nicholas Counties" - FrontierFolk I shall be 77 yrs. Un concours pour mettre en avant des inventeurs africains-amricains I believe the Brodhead expedition is mentioned in the following narrative by another member of the Greenbrier Militia, who mustered at Byrnsides Fort, in what was most assuredly 1778: The Winckleback application was known. These first-hand narratives, mostly from the 1830s, are the recollections of the 18th century frontier soldiers of the Greenbrier Valley. That he again Forted and Scouted as an Indian Spy in the year 1777 from the 1stday of May until the 1stof November that he was stationed in Burnsides Fort under the command of the aforesaid Captain Wright. To George Washington from Colonel John Gibson, 5 December 1777 - Archives I was detailed to wait on the sick and did not reach the point until after the Battle was fought with the Indians at Point Pleasant [October 10, 1774]. [23 March 1820]. I am with due respect, May it please your Excellency your Most Obed. He again commenced his duties as a Spy on the 15th day of April 1777 and continued in service as such until the first of November following when he was discharged having served that summer six months and a half: that he again entered the service as an Indian Spy on the 15th day of April 1778 and continued in service until the first of November following making a tour of six months and a half: and again on the first day of May 1779 he entered the service as an Indian Spy and was discharged on the first day of November following having performed a tour of six months Service that summer making in the whole term of service as an Indian Spy which he served his Country two years and one month. I have a record of my age in a very old family Bible now in my possession. History Organized from Augusta, Amherst, Caroline, Culpeper, Cumberland, Fairfax, Fauquier, Orange, Spotsylvania, Stafford, and King George Counties. Mar 11, 2023 [Revolutionary War] Gold Pin Inscribed w/ KIA Officer's Name $225. The 13th Virginia Regiment was a United States infantry regiment during the American Revolutionary War . Many records include addresses, dates of birth and death, burial places and other information. PDF The Commonwealth's Battle Flag Collection is composed primarily of Their Wives and Children were soon after forced to fly into Forts, to escape the danger of a savage Enemy, at a time when provisions were scarce in that part of the Country and must have suffered much since. There destroyed the Indian Towns, destroyed their (the Indians) Corn and other property. The 13th Virginia Regiment was authorized on 16 September 1776 by the Continental Congress for service with the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. On Aug. 11, 1779, Brodhead and 605 men, from the 8th Pennsylvania and 9th Virginia Regiments, marched north toward Conewago. The application contains an amendment, this time with more detail: [W]hile he was stationed at Fort McIntosh, he was sent out with fifteen or twenty others on a scouting party; while out on this party they were attacked by about forty Indians and succeeded in killing a great many of them. Summary The 13th Virginia Regiment was authorized on 16 September 1776 by the Continental Congress for service with the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. Mar 11, 2023 [Daguerreotype] Jenny Lind, Unpublished $400. He served in the U.S. Congress and as the 13th Governor of Virginia. The major under whomaffiantserved was Andrew Hamilton. The 10th Virginia Regiment of the Virginia Line was initially raised on December 28, 1775 in western Virginia for service with the Continental Army. Reached home the last of August in Company with twenty-eight others who had been in the same service. That between the 20thand 25thof Aprile in that year he was drafted under the command of Captain John Woods to go to New River that he served three months under Captain Woods on New River after which he was discharged and returned to Burnsides Fort. on one occasion I was out with three other men spying on Gauley River we were in this service for one month I dont know by what authority we were spying but suppose by the direction of Capt Hamilton. shoud chuse to determine the matter your self. GW ordered Gibson to take command of his former regiment, the 13th Virginia, in the spring of 1778 (see GW to William Russell, Sr., 28 May 1778), and before he retired from the army in January 1783 Gibson also commanded the 9th and 7th Virginia regiments. As such, his talents were definitely best utilized as an Indian Spy on the frontiers, a necessary service since the defense plan depending on an early warning for the settlers to make it into their nearest fort prior to an attack.. [H]e entered the service as an Indian Spy in the spring of the year 1776: that at the time he entered the Service as a Spy he was enrolled and mustered in a company of Militia commanded by Captain John Henderson and raised in that part of the State of Virginia which is now Monroe on Wolf Creek about sixteen miles from where he now resides; that at the termination of the cold weather and when the first signs of approaching spring and the putting forth of vegetation appeared some signs of Indians having been seen, the people becoming much alarmed in the neighborhood betook themselves to Cooks Fort which was situated on Indian Creek about eight miles from where he now resides in about the same distance from where he then resided. Organized February 1777 at Fort Pitt from Yohogania, Monongalia, and Ohio Counties. Hble Servants. It seems likely that Thomas Wright is the militia captain generally in command at Byrnsides Fort during the Rev War years. 2023 02 01HistoricPlaces | PDF | Smithsonian Institution | New York City At this period I had been transfered to the Company of Captain John Wood who had been promoted to the office of Captain. The gates were opened and they successfully got into the fort in order to assist in its defense. and further this deponant saith not. I make no doubt Genl Hand has already Acquainted your Excellency of the Situation of Affairs in this Country and of his having gone down to Regulate the Garrisons on the Ohio.2 since he left this place nothing Material has happened. That again in the spring of 1782 on the first of April he volunteered and served on spying parties and in Hamilons [sic] Garrison untill the first of October under the command of the said Capt William Hamilton That he recollects in this year that he went on a spying campaign in company with Lenard Cooper John Shoemate Jesse and John Aursbourn[?] The regiment was disbanded at Fort Pitt on 1 January 1783. Immediate preparation made for action in which five of the Indians were killed and several wounded. Journal of the American Revolution also produces annual hardcover volumes, a branded book series, and the podcast, Dispatches. He states that he was stationed at Byrnsides Fort for 30 days in 1779, or 1780, with 30 men. Marched to McAfees Station on Salt River, where Capt. 10th Virginia Regiment | Military Wiki | Fandom Three Years in Field Hospitals of the Army of the Potomac | Project It appears that Kincaid (who was a neighbor of James Byrnside) was part of the contingent who remained in western Virginia, rather than going on to Kentucky. Militia Publisher Richmond, D. Bottom, superintendent of public printing Collection library_of_congress; americana Digitizing sponsor Sloan Foundation It was occupied until it was abandoned in 1791. Stephen Watts Kearney's Co. Capt. Dixon mustered for the 1778 trip, and ended up at Logans Station in Kentucky. GW had known Kiashuta since 1753, when Kiashuta had acted as a guide on GWs mission to warn off the French troops on the Ohio. Escrito en 27 febrero, 2023. All rights reserved. Upon the evening of the same day, 13th of October, 1862, with my husband and a lady friend, we accompanied the detachment of his own regiment which carried his body to the grave. The 13th Virginia Regiment was a United States infantry regiment during the American Revolutionary War. During the Revolutionary War, . 13th Virginia Regiment | Military Wiki | Fandom Regiments - Valley Forge Muster Roll William Crawford (soldier) - Wikipedia That he entered the Service of the United States under the following named Officers and Served as herein Stated. 1 13th Virginia Regiment (1777) 1.1 Officers 1.1.1 Senior Officers 1.1.2 Captains 1.1.3 Regimental Staff 1.2 List of Soldiers without linked profiles 2 Sources 13th Virginia Regiment (1777) Officers Senior Officers 1776-1778 Colonel William Russell Colonel George Gibson Lt. After the war Gibson served as a judge of the court of common pleas and a general in the Pennsylvania militia, and in 1800 Jefferson appointed him secretary of the Indiana Territory, an office he held until 1816. UNIFORMS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION -- Index That as early as the 1stday of May in the year 1779 he again commenced his Services in Burnsides Fort and continued in service until the 1stof November following that he thinks it was in this year a party of Indians came into the settlement and Murdered William Bradshaws Wife the circumstances are these Bradshaw had remained at home with his Family and two of the Spys returning to Cooks Fort [on Indian Creek just below Greenville] called at his Cabbin to rest and informed him. That about the first of February 1781 he was drafted for six month in Captain Wm Hamiltons Company to serve against to Indians and on the 14thof February he marched and rendezvoused on the 15that Burnsides [Fort Burnside], near where Union now stands in the County of Monroe Virginia he then was marched to Fort Chisel in the County of Montgomery [Fort Chiswell now in Wythe County VA] where he was attached to the company of Captain John Henderson John Woods was Lieutenant Andrew Hamilton Magor where they remained for some cause he never new what they guarded a few Tories there and was sometimes told that they was to be marched against some Tories that was stationed up the New River at one time it was said that they was to be attacked by the Tories and they went in camp prepared Bullets &c for the engagement but no engagement took place that the campaign was so irregularly conducted that he left them and returned home after serving only five months. The 13th Virginia was commanded byCol. where they had been and that they had seen no signs of Indians but not thinking a family safe in such a situation advised him to leave his Cabbin and go to the Fort but he did not concent to do so and in a few hours after the Spyes left him the House was attact by a small party of Indians and some of them firing at the door which was shut the ball penetrated through the door and lodged in the boddy of Mrs. Bradshaw and wounded her so badly that she died that night and on Bradshaws firing his gun through the door from the inner side the Indians retired without doing any farther damage. 13th Virginia Regiment (Revolutionary War) FamilySearch 1.GW wrote Henry Laurens on 27 Feb. suggesting the reunification of the parts of the 13th Virginia Regiment at Fort Pitt and Valley Forge. Companies recruited men from Yohogania County; Monongalia County and West Augusta District, now Ohio County. On 24 May 1778 the unit was assigned to the Western Department (Fort Laurens), and on 12 May 1779 it was reorganized and redesignated as the 9th Virginia Regiment. William Harvey III (1770-1848) - Find a Grave-reminne The 13th Virginia Regiment in the Revolutionary War. Twenty Years Around the WorldA Project Gutenberg eBook On 24 May 1778 the unit was assigned to the Western Department {Fort Laurens}, and on 12 May 1779 it was reorganized and redesignated as the 9th Virginia Regiment. Jefferson responded on February 17, 1781, that he was sympathetic to their need for self-protection, and that he would undertake to approve of a possible postponement until the threat level decreases. We are Sir Your most Obedt. It was again reorganized and redesignated as the 7th Virginia Regiment on 1 January 1781 to consist of two companies. These expeditions aimed to protect frontier colonists from the threat of American Indians and made up a large part of Western Pennsylvanias role in the Revolutionary War. There found the Millitia from Bedford C. Va. under the command of Major Thomas Quirk there stationed six or eight weeks. On the first of May seventeen hundred seventy nine engaged in the company commanded by Captain Graham under the command of Colonel Brown of Greenbrier County Virginia a spy to spy out and reconoiter the enroads and excursions of the Indians on the Kenhaway, and the Country thereabout, Served from the 1stof May seventeen hundred seventy nine to the first of November seventeen hundred Eighty one at the rate of five shillings per day in Contennental money were bound to find myself amunition and other aequipage together with necessary provision. There seems to be confusion about whether this is the same fort as Arbuckles Fort. The 13th Virginia Regiment was authorized on 16 September 1776 by the Continental Congress for service with the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. 13th Virginia Regiment - Brandywine Soldiers Category: 13th Virginia Regiment "The 13th Virginia Regiment was authorized on 16 September 1776 by the Continental Congress for service with the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. Records Commission (NHPRC) is part of the National Walking and history of bicycling. Author: John Guy Vassar (1811-1888) Release Date: March 1, 2023 [eBook #70180] Language: English. 2. 1st Virginia Cavalry (5), 20th Virginia Cavalry (3) Old Tyke: Before Time: Confederate Cavalry (micro-Scale) . I am anxious to have the Regiment disciplind as early as possible this spring, therefore hope the application may not be premature. part of the State of Ohio. By mid-April, Washington recognized the difficulties Brodhead and his men faced. Blood and Fury: America's Civil War: AHC Announces New Historical Military Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. That they marched on to Fort Chisel (Chiswell) where they met with Major Quirk or Kirk a Continental Officer who assumed the command over Major (Andrew) Hamilton, and thence they marched on to Kentucky to Colonel Logans Station where they remained until the three months draft expired when they were informed that the object of the draft was to go to Detroit (with George Rogers Clark) and a number of the men becoming dissatisfied deserted the next day but he remained and went on to Baughmans Station and remained until most of the men left the Station when he was permitted to return home having served five months in said tour; that he never received any pay for said Services when acting as a Spy and but $6 for his services while drafted. Lieutenant Colonel Walker was promoted to colonel . Sullivan settled out west after the war. Archives. Theres strong evidence through these narratives that our fort was in active military use from around 1774 through 1782, which for the most part is the entire timeline of Lord Dunmores War and the American Revolution. Colonel Hill was promoted to brigadier general. That in the early part of the Indian War there was a Fort or Garrison erected on a plantation belonging to James Burnsides two miles north west from where he lived which was called Burnsides Fort. 10th Virginia Regiment Continental Line - RootsWeb Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Discharged here in August, 1780, his term of service calling for twelve months. Wright, which we know took place at Byrnsides Fort, who was then sent to Fort Chiswell, and then on to Kentucky: Living in Monroe County, West Virginia on Sept. 17, 1832. 1 Image Add a Fact Owner: Fold3_Team Anyone can contribute Created: 10 Oct 2013 Modified: 10 Oct 2013 View Count: 32 (Recent: 1) 1. The Diaries of George Washington. This was in Greenbrier County Virginia. Aux Etats-Unis, des lves du primaire. Black-owned restaurants in Pensacola: Over 20 restaurants, bars to That would have been the 1778 trip to Kentucky. Search For Your Ancestors in Historical Documents.

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