prophecy of tsunami on east coast

The day became night from the ash & the valleys raised with lava. I read your report years ago. If you run that into a zip code search oddly enough 00701 comes up for where the asteroidss supposed to hit in Puerto Rico.. Just out of curiosity. Reading 152-11 was a response to a client's concern about safe areas to move to in order to be prepared for future geographical changes. Has anybody heard of a strong earth quake that is suppose to happen between April 15 to the19 of 2014???? As we are not close to the galactic plane, any such passing through a magnetic plane into reversed polarity (for Earth) would have to be due to a very strong field of a solar binary companion and if such a binary companion exists, there is a conspiracy to hide it. Thats a question you may be wondering, especially if you live near the coast. As such, anyone attempting to get away would likely head West and South entirely dependent upon the season in which a collapse occurred. find your evacuation centers for tsunamis,earthquakes etc.. G((m){dM# Greatly appreciated! Even if Im at the beach were I work as a ranger, I could walk to a place 300 above sea level in 5 hrs. Its interesting that the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami sent energy through water around the globe. The sky was split apart like a scroll when it is rolled up, and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. Wade Im no expert but Im looking at the same thing you are on a map. Because the elites are buying all of their products and putting them in their bunkers! Repent of your sins, and put your trust in God, read the Bible and get to know Jesus. Southern coast tent to be shelving whereas north of Massachusetts the coast is very abrupt, over 100 ft within a quarter mile of the coast (sometimes just yards). Thank you so much for this but my question is this if a mega-tsunami hits the coast will be an earth quake as well I live in Michigan I know Im in land quit a bit An have felt the Holy Spirit tell me tech tonic plates back in the summer when they started to peel apart I know just the devastation alone is not all well have to worry about industrial plants that will be exposed to the ocean will contaminate it plus many other things but lets say these plates move if Michigan feels those whats the point system because ive seen things that God has shown me that when that happens Detroit is built on top of salt mines plus Michigan has the most resource for fresh water 3 lakes would be contaminated Detroit an some surrounding areas would be under water because lets face it that water is going to go somewhere can you please answer any of these questions I think that its a warning. There is no f- ING middle idea just dead !!!! However, we also know that the 3D soundwave is not a single pure vibration, rather, most typically, a series (symphony) of vibrations about the z-axis that wrap themselves and spin/corkscrew about the skeletal body moving about the x and y axis (arbitrary, yet crucial to define and keep consistent). Then a tsunami 1,000 feet high which will destroy most of Puerto Rico and up to 100 miles inland of the East Coast of the United States. Hey David, have you read World in Peril? A narrowing inlet will see higher wave heights than a circular island with a steep base. Hi Angie! And i can assume that people living in Western, MA The Berkshires would be the safest. God bless. In a Tsunami we may get a 6 hour warning. He told me he is putting them to safety, of course I found myself on top of the mountain also but did not see water nor anything else. Im not one to fall for these things but I still would like to be prepared. It looks like after a 300 tsunami Im going to be able to casually stroll to the new beach region. May God Bless you all. Tj. The isles can be really high as they are mostly vulcanic but still very small in diameter And as knowing that a tsunami gains speed with distance how big and how far would it hit there? I would say not because of the Bay. This vision is not for those in the first fruits remnant so . As far as Texas and the Gulf, the effects of the tsunami will be greatly reduced because it is mostly blocked by Florida from the East. Please call on the name of Jesus, as Lord and personal savior. You would be far better off flying out in a small plane. They have increased in frequency. This is pretty important! John. Lets say one gets away 100-150 miles from their origin point. Suddenly in my dream I had this sickening feeling that a tsunami was coming and I began to shout to people to warn them that a tsunami was coming . If that wave is coming right at you, you might see the 100 monster, but if you are perpendicular to the lobe, maybe only a few feet. I send an email to the weather channel wanting to know how far inland a wave of this magnitude would go but I have not received a response yet from them. New Jersey does not have the elevation or distance from the coast to assure safety. This project will assess tsunami hazard from the above mentioned and other relevant tsunami sources recently studied in the literature and model the corresponding tsunami inundation in affected US East coast communities. Since very few people belive this, most of the population will continue living their liveses as usual. Thousands of earthquakes meaning >6600 at last count. The most immediate threat right now (within the next two months) is a string of meteorites that are following comet Ison. I hear the Juan de Fuca plate is the most likely (?). Please, keep talking and prove that to be true, as well as ironically proving that you are the mindless person in this comments section! This is how we can tell that a piano sounds like a piano at the same pitch, gain, and volume as a guitar playing the same sound. Now we understand that it is not the same sound, that is, a guitar sounds markedly different than piano. Its been predicted for a 9 earthquake . so, where are the SAFEST PLACES TO LIVE IN THE U.S.?? If a tsunami were to hit Long Island, what parts would be - Quora People who got out, would not be returning. The New Fatima Revelation and the Prophecy of Sr. Jeanne le Royer - Blogger There was no history of a submarine until one was invented. If we are in NJ we are going to be under water? shut up and run , stock up on food , propaine , guns , aimo. When the Grid shuts down prisons open and they spread out and we want 10 to 10 acres, Waterbury CT. Can anyone tell me if Id be safe there if there were a tsunami. Not sure how well it would stand up. I highly doubt anything is going to happen and if it did, i wouldnt call it a NATURAL Disaster, more like a created one. In the dream it was a beautiful day to be out in the ocean. Science, as determined by humans, is more mistake prone than the manufacturing processes in Lada factories! The potential devastation would remain pretty much near the shoreline in this hypothetical scenario. I, too have been having dreams. But again BRAINWASHED, we dont see it and DONT believe it. I feel sorry if you think a tsunami of only 300 feet will come, but more then likely a 300 meter tsunami is possible to strike, Why ? After seeing your post, I pulled out Deep Impact to check it out myself. I live in hinesville Ga right by Ft Stewart, is this far enough away from the coast worst case scenario? I just heard that the Canary Islands are having hundreds of small earthquakes, speculating that the volcano IS waking up with more of a threat of blowing than ever before. What if it was a nuke , far fetched i know. I sometimes wish it was a law of nature that if anyone predicts a date for a disaster and gets folks terrified into a panic, that if the event does not occur then the predictor would cease to exist. This would cause tsunami-sized waves to . I believe that those who are on coast would get 5-15 min tops. Actually, if you have the time, the safest location nearest to you is Todt Hill on Staten Island. HINT: Areas shaded in purple indicate death with near certainty. Or are Phillipsburg and Easton safe bets? I have also equipped him with a satellite phone and I have one as well. Look back at Katrina. Full-Rip 9.0: The Next Big Earthquake in the Pacific Northwest, 300 Foot Tsunami And East Coast Destruction,, Problem with that is there would have to be plywood on each side of the concrete when it is poured and there is not enough plywood. we need to go north and then head west. The Mountains there might stop you?!!! Hi, I live in Orlando close to Disney. I can hear my mother say thats not very nice. Maybe not, but . Very few die in Hawaii due to the elevation and the warning from the US, but thousands die in poor Cali, My numbers can be verified by the International Earthquake and Volcano Prediction Center in Orlando, Florida. ABC News. preferrable leaning your back against the wall from white the tsunami is coming Cause that gives you more chance to survice since the deadliest part is the first shock/impact! I see a lot of people here asking about their specific location and how that would be. TSUNAMI VISION PROPHECY ALERT UPDATE 1: VOLCANO ERUPTION GETTING MUCH WORSE September 19, 2021 It is being reported that things are getting much, much worse. He put out a YouTube video I think in September where he talked about his latest dream. How far passed the Intracoastal Waterway would the water go? Tsunamis in Virginia The thing is, that it COULD happen, but it may not happen in our lifetimes. If you can vacuum seal these items so they stay dry you will be better off then your neighbors. Sadly I live in Miami. However I cant shake this image of being underwater from a wave from my head, and having three little children- well I just cant handle the thought. Dont forget, we have to also factor in reflections, refractions, bends, harmonic effects, resonant effects, etc. The magnetic pull would be tremendous. Take care of yourselves and others and dont loose any sleep over 300 foot tsunamis. High rise buildings with doors and windows and sewage connections will do more than flood, on the lower floors, they will crush and drop, as the water will create uneven pressure on outside walls, pressure they were never expected to have to resist. the way some people are talking about it, we wont have much land to run to. Also, the maps indicated here are purely elevation maps. If not by a 300 foot tsunami itll be something you didnt prepare for like tripping over a toy or some (any) other stupid reason like old age, clogged arteries, obesity or cancer. Ah Bye Bye? I recently had a dream and in it Jesus directing a lot of people to a mountain top. - A Forum PROPHET EFRAIN RODRIGUEZ - PUERTO RICO / SANTO DOMINGO, ASTEROIDE / TSUNAMI, ENGLISH DUBBED Rico Convention Centerhttp://www. Just curious . 2 0 obj I have a philosophy that these are dreams about how things might be if we stay on a particular course. How about a 300 foot concrete wall? Im literally on the edge of the distance move as we speakbut HOW FAR INLAND? They have not invited our Lord, Jesus into their hearts to invite Him in their heart after repent of their sins for forgiveness & ask Jesus to be their Savior & Lord that He would direct their life by having relation with Him. My entire life I have dreamed of being killed by a giant wave. Im only about 12 miles from the coast. Just to let everyone know; that once they do arrive inland to safety, there will be plenty of stores open for food etc if they can get there. Summary: This prophecy predicts a series of tsunamis never seen before hitting cities and shorelines on the East Coast. The consequences of such an event are nearly unimaginable. This event would likely lead to a mega tsunami that travels across the Atlantic and devastates the East Coast of the United States. Praying that other folks are doing this too. If they go up the rivers how much further inland do you think the water will travel? Single mother on the coast . No one is saying anything about houston texas. Sub and get alerts. Tucson will be the new beach front. A 7.2-magnitude earthquake off the southern coast of Newfoundland in 1929 caused a large underwater landslide, creating a large wave that rushed ashore and killed 28 people on the island, ten. Id like more data on how these maps were made. Make sure you and loved ones and friends are right with God now. New research published this month by NOAA finds that, on average, the U.S. East Coast experiences about 25 meteotsunamis per year though most are less than 1.5 feet high and relatively harmless. Some years back I dreamt of an enourmous earthquake in the early morn causing a violent volcanoe eruption. Dont go anywhere in CA or anywhere near the New Madrid fault line. I live in Pleasantville N.J. NEAR ATANTIC CITY SHOULD I MOVE FURTHER AWAY, You should take a trip to somewhere off the East Coast. Evacuation with EVERYONE in Florida trying to evacuate would be disastrous. I dont know whether to stay put or leave for the 3100 which I may not be able to get back home if water floods the land in between and home has all the supplies for bugging in. Amenonly God can see us through it and whatever it maybe. They are saying with a possible Drastic Pole shift happening soon from Planet X or some are calling it 7x account its 7 times larger than Earth, coming into our Galaxy and then going by us and then around us between Jupiter and Earth in its elliptical orbit, there will be 400ft to 600ft Tsunamis happening around the world. Atlantic Tsunamis | Maritime Museum of the Atlantic May God bless you and cover you with His peace and protection thru Christ Jesus. How far inland would that go in VA? If its Gods will, I would rather be alive doing Gods work than drowning. They say they are preparing for an upcoming natural disaster. The 2nd dream is of the accompanying tsunami which heads northerly along the eastern sea board and reaching far inland killing millions. As long as you are not along the Cape Fear River I mean remember Florence and Michael? She had multiple vision or dreams of God told her came true about our President Donald Trump will win election back in 2016 & Answer to her personal things as God had mention it will happen. It is very possible that several meteorites will hit our planet and that a larger one could fall near Puerto Rico at an angle that will cause a great tsunami that will hit the East coast of the USA. They were made in the 90s buy this guy who seemed to know that the world trade centers would be nuked, oil spill,ect ect. I am an engineer, have done risk studies, and worked on a tsunami inundation sensor network proposal one time. No one was having dreams about waves. Im moving from the NJ shore to Charlotte NC in the summer of 17. While another tsunami may be more compressed (in frequency) and be thrust forward very quickly while traveling a long distance inland (remember Japan?). @Mark, Now, this Prophecy is very signifcant, because what is happening, is everything in Jeremiah 50 and 51, would be fulfilled in OUR DAY! Beg you to move above 300 feet elevation, and why delay? This is a little concerning though. I dont understand the dream but Hawaii is Hawaii & at some point it is destroyed. La Palma Volcano Landslide, The Foreshadowings of an NYC Tsunami Read a lot of these and noticed that lot of people have had dreams. There was no history of a horseless carriage until the car was made. I am approx. Create a free website or blog at . Do you live on the Big Island? Seems to bring out a lot of odd souls who need to do hit and run comments constantly on the subject. Consider that (even at low elevation) each foot of land that a wave travels across absorbs energy. My elevation is at 640 feet, but I could quickly be at 1200 feet if I needed to. That makes it sterile. Im also from west palm..there are a few tall buildings near me..if in the event a tsunami did happen would that be the best hope for survival?? La Palma: I Pet Goat 2 and the Third Secret of Fatima Updated 8X - Blogger I saw this enormous dark tidal wave approaching the coast very rapidly and stretching from north to south as far as the eye can see. As far as south Florida goes, arent you forgetting the Bahama bank and the Bahama islands? Preparing for one event such as a tsunami may be on your mind at this moment, but there are literally hundreds or thousands you should be ready for in life, the needle in the hay stack (tsunami) may be a focus for now, but try planning for the entire Hay Stack in a wind storm. head north stay on the western side of the east coast mountains and leave yesterday . Heres your answer. MORE East Coast Tsunami Prophetic Dreams - Why God The good news: There's a window of time for those on the East Coast to evacuate before a mega-tsunami even touches down on land. This is not to panick those of us that walk by faith pray what to do and where to go. Its limestone, (Swiss cheese), and think about the sinkholes they have, the crime, the influx of everybody. It may serve as a barrier to mitigate the impact. Thank you & God bless.. I wanted to run but I knew it was useless, I could not move because of the fear that overwhelmed my soul and flesh; as I am pleading with desperation in my dream calling upon God begging him to please remove me from such destruction, with great difficulty I returned to my body, and I was paralyzed but with my mind completely aware of the situation. I just want you be aware.. (Cumbre Vieja is a volcanic ridge on the volcanic ocean island of La Palma in the Canary Islands.). I am in West Palm so maybe I am just engaged in wishful thinking. Some geologists studying the Canary Islands predict that the western side of a volcano eventually will slide off into the ocean, sending a 300-foot high wave of liquid destruction our way. Living at 2000, Im not concerned about tsunamis. Everyone and everything dies eventually. Only one answerget right with God the Father ! Use google earth to look around and find your highest mountain and have a plan and survive off you back pack until you can walk to safety of ride a bike. Also, should I pray the Lord would keep us safe? If you have ANY doubt then move!!! But many of my wifes side of the family are going to be going for a LONG swim. To this point in time, all of the major prophecies I have given in the last 14 years have come to pass except for three. Yes and no. You can find me on Facebook Id really love to know Im searching for answers. This book will be one of the scariest things you ever read, but it will also be one of the most encouraging because it will inspire you to surrender to God's plan and to become the person that you were created to be. I live in north haven myself going to check elevation, Im concern with this I live in Conneticuts capita and it seems to be purple in the map :(. Would we have ample time to reasonably evacuate the major cities? look up profeta-de-dios-efrain. Just because a tsunami may reach 100 ft in height does NOT mean that everyone living below that height will need to take SCUBA lessons. If the wave was only one foot thick. Hundreds and hundreds of of fish, whales, sharks, turtles, ect beaching themselves with no explanation. I have seen this tsunami in my dreams, the first two times I dreamt of it.. it was way off shore, I was standing on the beach in Florida and I could see it coming very high in the distance.. no it was already a huge wall of water even out at that distance, no boat has the ability to ride that out.. my third and last dream was this summer, except now I was hearing the water rushing, by the time I looked outside, the wave was right in front of me and crashed onto land. Palm Bay Florida is a very large city of over 100,000 and the most populated zone in your county. :>8*. any update on this situation playing out in the canary island on La Palma as we speak? So I live in ga riverdale ga like the south side moved here 5 years ago and started having these wave dreams will ga be flooded Im 15 minutes away from downtown Atlanta and 30 minutes away from stone moutain. Too old to run from a Tsunami, we evacuated for Florence and decided we would never leave again. Yes wondering how far inland it will travel. Pray Read Belive, sleep well everyone. As far as i know there were never in the known history any tsunami catastrophe there only the ocasional earthquakes. Theyd strip the land of resources. Thousands of people are having dreams. If you take care of a loved one in their 80s that cant swim and unable to get to the mountains when a tsunami comes does God hold that against us if your heart is right with him. Sigh! Never thought of Florida that way, but it makes sense ;) (I guess Im not old enough yet). If they do start shutting them down, that.would be a.go sign. Also, food shortages, electrical power, clean water, and waste sanitation.. On the night of May 17, 2016, I had a dream/night vision in which I was shown the tsunami that will strike the West coast of the US, as a judgment from Father on the United States.It was very short, but very clear. What Speed and Height of Tsunami would be created if a Large Astroid hit in the Ocean? They will all be washed out to sea. Therefore, a "tsunami", in symbolic terms, refers to a sudden and dramatic change of substantial size. Id get some scuba Gear or a helicopter parked in my backyard. Walt Disney Worlds Disney Springs has a helium balloon ridecapable of holding dozens of people in its gondola400 feet or so high. I think there is to much money invested in the disney name and brand for them to destroy there own creation down here in Florida in the orlando area. His lips are moving. I kept shouting but noone seemed to care. If something goes down I will bug out to 3000 above sea level about an hours drive away. Hi The Original Just Sayin', sleep in peace. Should I buy a boat? Guess for that, you might be interested in knowing what the elevation in your area is? I couldnt find any other way to comment, so peanut_gallery im not really replying to YOU, just commenting in general. JOY, Karen Just my take..I would not remain in a coastal area with low elevation areas with a rim of rock to shield them it is anyones guess..Tsunami will not get enough warning to flee in areas where all ground is low ground. Be aware . NRP. please tell me, Ive got my popcorn and everything. The closer to the water the lower you are. The most likely major disaster, currently, is financial collapse, in my opinion. Moving to higher elevation asap . Only happy news here would be if DC went before we did in N. Florida. We are in the last days. Informative post. Please dont think this is a joke!But always be prepared to drive from the destruction of the Tsunami and please keep your self right with the Lord and pray for the knowledge of what will happen. It stood in front of me and I saw the sun seating upon its crest and I felt as if my spirit melted of terror inside me. The highest Elevation in Flordia is like 55ft, so even a small 150ft tsunami would probably sweep over most of the State. Volcanic islands and volcanoes on land frequently undergo large landslides/collapses, which have been documented in Hawaii for example. . Edgar Cayce Maps: His Prophecies for Earth Explained - LoveToKnow Didnt see any recent modeling on what happens if this collapse initiates an undersea massive slide compounding the fall of the flank. Ward. Oh, well. No 6 hour warning. Submarine launched cruise missiles along the coast, 10 minute warning. Thats a no brainer. Tsunami hitting the East Coast Sep 29, 2018 Handmaid of the Most High In May 2016, I had the vision of Tsunami hitting the East Coast. So visitors, please take this with a grain of salt and research credible second opinions before getting worked up and turning your garage into doomsday preppers. Those inland will be left on their own odds are with no power or deliveries of anything for weeks at least. Why are hundreds and hundreds of stores going out of business? People are reading too much into this, THANK YOU for scientifically based TRUTH!

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